Ledger Live Login

Reinforce security beyond the login phase in Ledger Live. Understand the significance of regular software updates for enhanced security and complement login security

How does Ledger Live Login help in a wallet account setup?

The hardware wallets are the only wallets that can offer you the best asset security ever. Software wallets cannot match the level of security these wallets can provide you with. They can protect your assets only up to a certain extent and not beyond that. These wallets are not prone to the prevailing online scams. So, here come the hardware wallets, they have the top security features that can easily protect your account from online potential threats. The wallet we’re talking about here is the Ledger hardware wallet. In the article here, we will try to explain to you the procedure of the Ledger Live wallet setup along with the login guide as well. So, let us not make you wait more and begin with the article here.

How to create a Ledger Account?

As a novice user, people must learn the correct method of how to make a new account on this wallet, without any kind of interruptions. So, let’s get you started with this wallet account setup:

  1. First get your Ledger wallet box, and take out the USB Cable with the wallet device.

  2. Put the one end of the cable to the wallet device and the next end to your laptop.

  3. Simultaneously press the buttons given on the wallet and turn on your device.

  4. Also get the application of Ledger Live wallet on your laptop as well from the official website.

  5. After the application installation you need to open it and then tap the Connect a new hardware device option.

  6. A list of nearby available devices will be on the screen now. Please select the name of your device from the screen and let them connect.

  7. After the connection create a wallet login PIN, and ensure that the PIN is strong and not easily guessable by anyone.

  8. Then the seed phrase of the wallet would be revealed on the screen and you will have to keep the phrase stored somewhere private.

  9. Enable the security layers as you may please and then the wallet setup will end finally.

Follow the remaining instructions on the screen to finish the procedure of the account setup.

Logging in to the Ledger wallet

Now this section is for the login steps of the wallet, this will help you to get access to your account back. The procedure is not that hard to perform, you just need to concentrate on the task and you will be good to move further. So, here is the procedure for logging in:

  1. Open the Ledger Live wallet application and take the USB Cable as well.

  2. Now, take the wallet and plug it into the Laptop through the USB.

  3. Turn on the wallet and enter the login PIN.

  4. Finish all the other enabled security measures of the wallet.

After these four steps, you have wallet access to your Ledger account.

Last updated